Over time, I have developed a number of products for other educators, or for purchase via sites such as Etsy and Teachers Pay Teachers. The resources may vary, but I seek to help provide well designed products to make the lives of Educators a little easier.

Click to view my entire Teachers Pay Teachers Store.

Click to view my entire Teachers Pay Teachers Store.

Substitute Binders

Some of my best sellers on Teachers Pay Teachers are my substitute binder templates. These are designed with teachers and Google app users in mind. While resources for Elementary educators seem to be plentiful, it appears that resources for Secondary teachers are few and far in-between. My sub binders appeal to a variety of personal color preferences, yet, are easy to manipulate, and present information in a clean and easy flow. I also like to offer extra blank pages at the end of my templates so users can customize for their own personal needs.

Sub Binder Preview.jpg

Resume Planning Kit Project

This project was created prior to 2020, but revised in Spring 2024 to become more comprehensive and relatable with the high school students who would be utilizing it.

This project gets utilized multiple times a semester as students begin and later revise their Resume throughout their Graphic Design, Animation, and Business Courses.

Link to Resume Planning Kit on TPT

Click to view the Resume Planning Kit in my TPT store.

Food Truck Project Image. Click to view in Teachers Pay Teachers.

Food Truck Project

This project was developed for more advanced students in Graphic Design and allows them to choose if they would like to complete this challenge as a team or individually. Throughout this project, students create a concept for a Food Truck and with that determine a theme and menu for their food truck, then also develop associated branding elements and mock up files such as logo, color scheme, packaging ideas, employee uniform items, and more.

Student Portfolio using Behance

This project help explain to students the benefits of creating a portfolio using Behance online as an industry standard tool for sharing samples of creative work. Screenshots are provided along with written steps in order to provide more comprehensive instruction for new learners.

Click to view on TPT store.

Substitute Teacher Instructions

Whenever a teacher leaves a classroom to a sub, it is important and extremely helpful to leave clear and well planned instructions for students for the day. Over the years, I developed a document that utilizes tables to separate instructions for each course and help keep information organized. This product is available for purchase in my TPT store or I include it with all of my Sub Binder templates. This particular document is a Google Doc for flexibility among educators, but can also be downloaded from Google Docs in other formats.

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