It all started when…

It might have started in high school when I was exposed to the world of Web Design, or perhaps before that when I would spend hours on Powerpoint as a junior high kid creating and manipulating slide decks for whatever project I was working on. Wait no, who are we kidding, this probably stems back to second grade when I got my first 110mm camera for Christmas.

Then I decided to become an educator. I wanted to help students see value in the content we explore in class through creative delivery, storytelling, and meaningful activities. Years later, I have learned so much about the various cultures that surround us, and the wonderful people that make up our region. I learned that building a positive relationship with students means more than any kind of academics you try to teach them.

Though my interests may be broad, I feel like they all connect and have purpose. Overall, I can help you creatively communicate your entire project. It makes my heart and soul happy knowing people can trust me to represent them and build a creative look to fit their needs. I commit myself to developing a high quality product that represents you well.

Our experiences over time build on each other, and that altogether compiles and completes each of us as a person.

When I am not creating, I enjoy spending time with my husband and girls, my friends and church family, relaxing at a lake, and cuddling my two puppy dogs.

Let’s have a glass of wine and hang out!