When I design a classroom space, I aim to create a space that is warm and inviting to students, and makes them feel welcome.

I strive to create a space that utilizes a color scheme and I strive to use it throughout the rest of the classroom in order to help create organization and cohesiveness.

In a Technology Applications course, students create and design a lot of work, ranging from emoji designs on Google Draw, to posters, business cards, logos, and more. It is important to me that students see their work in print and displayed around the room and in the hall if acceptable. Over time, classwork used to cover the walls; and while it was great to see all of the work from students, it also became distracting. So, beginning in 2017, I shifted a little and focused on presenting a cleaner canvas in my classroom in order to create a space that was a little less chaotic to help ease any sort of anxiety it might create. Student work is still displayed, but on designated places on bulletin boards around the room.

Supply Space: I also created homes for community items in the classroom. I utilized a metal bookshelf that housed student materials: (paper, markers, colored pencils, glue sticks, pens, etc.) These were available for student use throughout class and gave them a home to return to.

Beginning in 2017, I was able to participate in the Cultural Tenets program for Midlothian ISD, part of this involved the purchasing of all new furniture for the school we worked in. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that was really a dream come true! Not only was it incredibly fun to pick out new furniture for my classroom and other parts of our building, but it was also an experience challenged our team to consider the role furnishings can play in the educational experience for students, and what we can do to help foster a better learning environment, plus purchase items that will be long lasting for decades and be flexible for use over time.